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Infectious Disease 

Infectious Diseases: disease caused by an infectiosa gent such as a bacterium, virus, protozoan, or fungus that can be passed on to others. 


A pharmacist specialist in Infectious Diseases uses his/her unique knowledge of microbiology and pharmacology to help healthcare systems use antimicrobials in a manner that maximizes efficacy while minimizing adverse effects and microbial resistance. 


The purpose of this specialty residency is to develop in-depth knowledge and skills in both clinical laboratory medicine and infectious diseases. Practical experiences may include inpatient infectious diseases consultation services, outpatient AIDS/HIV clinics, epidemiology, microbiology laboratory, and antimicrobial surveillance and stewardship. Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, research projects, medication-use evaluation, pharmacokinetic monitoring, participation in P&T, Infection Control and other multidisciplinary committees within an organization. Pharmacists completing this residency may be eligible to become a board certified pharmacotherapy specialist (BCPS) with added qualifications in infectious diseases.


Example of a USC Infectious Disease PGY2's responsibilities look like: 


Clinical Practice: 

Resident provides clinical services with a focus on anti-infective therapy through participation in medical system committees, antimicrobial stewardship program and patient care activities on the:

  • Critical Care Service

  • Internal Medicine Service

  • Emergency Department 

  • Outpatient HIV/AIDS Clinic 



Resident is actively involved in:

  • Providing didactic lectures

  • Leading conference sessions 

  • Presenting regular staff development lectures to pharmacy and medical staff at the clinical sites on related topics



The resident receives training via coursework and seminars in the following areas:

  • Laboratory techniques

  • Analytical methods

  • Biostatistics/research methodology to prepare to participate in clinical investigations. 



  • Research study design

  • IRB submission, data collection

  • Data analysis

  • Submission of papers for publication

  • Presentation of findings at national conferences. 



Infectious Disease pharmacist

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