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ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting Poster Presentations

Poster presentations are informal discussions among meeting attendees about current projects in pharmacy practice. Poster presentations provide an excellent opportunity to pick up ideas that have been successful in other health care systems.



D=Descriptive Reports: Describes new, improved or innovative roles or services in pharmacy practice, or unusual clinical cases in one or a few patients that have not been formally evaluated but are of such importance that they must be brought to the attention of practitioners. 

Poster Board Specifications


A poster is approximately 71/2 feet wide

by 31/2 feet high












  • Text: Use a minimal amount of text material. Focus on 2-3 points maximum. Use one-line statements or bullet points to highlight key points rather than full sentences. 


  • Organization: Arrange materials (objectives, methods, results and conclusions) like newspaper columns on the poster board. 


  • Graphics: Use simple charts, graphs, tables, clip art, drawings, symbols, and photos to illustrate key points. 


  • Font type: Use large lettering, at least 26-30 points, but do not use all upper case letters. Font should be simple and easy to readf (*i.e., Times New Roman, Calibri, etc).


  • Mounting: Laminated posters and posters are made of heavy material are difficult to keep in position on the poster board. Please consider using a lighter weight material. Also, laminating your poster materials may make it difficult to read because of the reflected lighting in the convention centers. 



Presenting your poster


  • Presentation Tone: Presentations must reflect an unbiased, scientific tone. Those with a commercial tone will not be permitted. Presenters may not distribute promotional materails, or invite, or consult with industry representatives at the booth. 


  • Originality: Make your presentaion neteworthy. Review what's already been presented on the same topic and talk to your colleagues; look for a unique presentaion angle. 


  • Format: One advantage of this session is the "no lecture" format. It is not necessary to prepare a formal presentation-just be prepared to discuss any aspect of your poster on a one-to-one basis. 


Presentation Checklist

  • Proofread: Ask someone who is not familiar with the project to review                                                                                         the text to ensure it is clear, concise, and logically organized. 

  • Bring one or two copies of your completed abstract to display at your                                                                                  poster booth. These should be in a presentation folder and clearly                                                                                       labeled "Display Copy-Not for Distribution." Your completed  abstract                                                                                   should not be posted on the poster board. 

  • Don't forget your business cards

  • Assemble a functional tool kit to bring with you including: push pins                                                                                         to mount your poster, cloth or paper for the background, scissors,                                                                                          white correction tape, black felt tip pen (to correct errors or scratches) and                                                                                     any other supplies you might need. Staples cannot be used on poster boards. 

  • Plan to carry your poster in a shipping tube or case to the meeting.                                                                                               If you must ship materials send them to your hotel and clearly mark                                                                                               the package with your name and arrival date. ASHP cannot store posters for you.                                                                       Do not leave your poster in the poster are before your scheduled time to set up. 




























E=Evaluative Study Reports: Describes original research, including clinical research on drug effects in humans, drug-use evaluations, and evaluations of innovative pharmacy services. They must include scientific results and or data to support the conclusions, and indicate that all clinical research represented in the abstract was approved by the appropriate institutional review board and, if appropriate, informed consent

was obtained for all subjects.  


C=Case Reports: Describes an unusual patient-specific case that was not part of a study but the findings are of interest to clinical pharmacists. Case reports do not need the headings Purpose, Methods, Results, or Conclusions but cannot be a research-in-progress. 

Body of abstract:

  • Entire abstract should be approximately 400-600 words

  • Proofread content carefully, particularly doses, numerical values, and drug names

  • Case Report abstracts-The case report field is limited to 600 words. 


Common reasons for rejection: 

  • Instructions not followed

  • Misleading title

  • Biased conclusion

  • Research is not original

  • Lack of scientific quality or validity

  • Inconsistent or ambiguous data

  • Data collection is ongoing


Abstract Example

Note: Do not include the field names-Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion-in the body of your abstract

University of the Pacific  

Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy  

  Office of Student Affairs

PHS 108                      

 Tel: (209) 946-2563

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